Snacks That Start With E (Every Snack Under the Sun!)

You can consider any food to be a snack if you like. For example, having pizza as a snack would be a good idea. Another option would be to order some fruit or vegetables as snacks. Unfortunately, although some snacks are pretty tasty, some have no appeal to our taste buds.

Below you will find a list of some of the most popular snacks we have put together to make your life easier. We hope you find this post helpful if you are looking for snack recipe ideas or if you need more information about any of these recipes. 

In this article, we will give you a list of all the popular snacks that start with the letter E. There are several grocery stores, corner stores, and local supermarkets where you may purchase these items. 

Are you ready to start? Let’s get you a snack first!

Snacks That Start With EPin

Snacks that Start with E

Based on our research, we have compiled a list of 36 snacks that begin with the letter E and their descriptions. Check it out!

Everlasting Gobstopper – Everlasting Gobstopper appears in Roald Dahl’s children’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from 1964. When it is sucked on, not only does it change colors and flavors, but it also doesn’t shrink or disappear.

Energy Drinks – Energy drinks are made up of stimulant compounds such as caffeine, which are marketed as providing mental and physical stimulation. The beverage can also contain sugar, other sweeteners, herbal extracts, taurine, and amino acids, sometimes carbonated.

Eclairs – Eclairs are famous snack pastries. It is common to find this French dessert pastry in America and Europe. They’re so good that you don’t even miss the donuts!

Eccles Cake – An Eccles cake consists of dried fruit, currants, or candied fruit peel stuffed inside a slight, round pie crust. Like turnovers, the pies are made with flaky pastry and butter. Often served with a wedge of cheese and topped with demerara sugar.

Egg Custard – Egg custard is a classic snack that many people enjoy. Desserts like this are thickened with sweetened milk, cheese, cream, egg or egg yolk, and sometimes flour, corn starch, or gelatin. You can use a pie crust to enclose or bake it on its own.

Earl Grey Cookies – Earl Grey cookies are snacks known for the grey tea leaves. These cookies include Earl Gray tea leaves mixed into the batter. Yummy shortbread cookies with aromatic Earl Grey are buttery, melt-in-your-mouth, and decadent. The taste is unexpected but insanely good.

Edy’s Pie – Edy’s Pie is a snack and dessert formerly called Eskimo Pie. It consists of vanilla ice cream coated in chocolate.

Easter Chocolate Eggs – A chocolate Easter egg is totally out of this world. But, if the eggs are wrapped in foil, children can hunt for them in the garden during an Easter egg hunt.

Eggo Waffles – Eggo waffles are a popular breakfast treat made in a toaster oven. They are usually topped with syrup and butter, like pancakes. Alternatively, you could add ice cream or cool whip on top.

Eclipse Gum – The Wrigley Company introduced Eclipse, chewing gum and breath mint brand, in the U.S. in 1999 as an entry into the pellet gum segment.

English Pudding – English pudding is a show-off dessert and snack. There are many types of pudding served at Christmas time, including English pudding, traditionally served at Christmas dinner in the UK, Ireland, and other countries where British and Irish immigrants brought it.

Elephant Ears – Elephant ears are a snack rich in sugar. So there was only one thing to hear: “Powdered sugar.” The name comes from the deep-fried dough’s shape once it is fried – looking closely like an elephant ear!

eFRutti Gummies – eFRutti candy is an assortment of individually wrapped gummy treats in fun shapes and themes.

Eli’s Cheesecake – Eli’s Cheesecake is a famous brand known for its cheesecakes. You don’t need a boyfriend when you can enjoy chocolate and Cheesecake simultaneously! The Chicago-based company Eli’s specializes in cheesecakes.

English Butter Toffee – English Butter Toffee is a popular toffee snack that begs comparison with homemade toffee. English toffee is traditionally made without nuts, while American toffee is made with various nuts.

Egg Tart – The egg tart is a Cantonese dessert derived from English custard tarts and Portuguese pastel de nata. There is an outer pastry crust and a creamy custard filling inside these tarts. Dim sum restaurants usually serve these, or you can make them at home.

Edinburg Rock – There is nothing like Edinburg Rock to make a mic drop. Traditionally served after dinner in Scotland, this confection is made from sugar, water, cream of tartar, coloring, and flavorings. The texture is soft and crumbly, and it is formed into sticks.

Eierschecke – Eierschecke is a three-layer cake with a cake layer at the bottom, a cheesecake layer in the middle, and a custard layer on top. A thickening glaze is made with cream, whole eggs, sugar, and flour.

Entenmann’s Pound Cake – Entenmann’s Pound Cake is the perfect pound cake snack. This company manufactures baked goods for supermarkets and retailers in the United States. So addictive.

Entremet – Entremet is a snack that’s worth the effort. In French cuisine, entremets traditionally refers to small dishes served between courses, but nowadays, it commonly means a particular type of dessert. 

Esterházy Torte – Esterházy Torte is a naked layer cake. You will be amazed by this naked cake. Esterházy Torte is a traditional Hungarian cake named for Prince Paul III Anton Esterházy de Galántha.

Extra Chewing Gum – Extra Chewing Gum is a sugar-free chewing gum manufactured by the Wrigley Company in North America, Europe, Australia, and some parts of Africa and Asia.

Eton Mess – The Eton Mess is a traditional English dessert, consisting mainly of a composition of strawberries, meringue, and whipped cream.

English Trifle – English trifle is a cake-based dessert layered with cake, cream, fresh fruit, and jam. It doesn’t have to be eaten all at once, but you’ll probably do it anyway.

Empanadilla – Empanadillas are flat, thin tortillas with sweet or savory fillings. Like Portuguese pastries, you can bake or fry them in the oven. Guava is typically used to make sweet empanadillas.

Energy Bar – Energy bars are snacks made for active people. The purpose of energy bars is to provide energy to people who need it but never have time to eat breakfast.

Erdbeerkuchen – Erdbeerkuchen is a strawberry pie found in every German bakery and restaurant during the spring and summer.

Eddy Edibles Chocolate Chip Cookies – It produces chocolate chip cookies and other dessert treats, branded as’ Eddy Edibles.’ The cookies will satisfy even the most ardent chocoholic.

Eiffel Bon Bons – Eiffel Bon Bons have a mildly tart flavor and are made with natural ingredients for a pure strawberry or apple taste! It’s a tangy, chewy candy made in France with a soft and delicate shell and a soft and tangy center.

Eggplant Cake (Chocolate) – The decadent chocolate eggplant cake makes all things chocolate even sweeter. This soft and moist dessert is filled and enveloped in rich chocolate fudge. It is delectable!

Elderberry Pie – Elderberry Pie is a pie snack with elderberries as the main component. When harvested and prepared correctly, certain parts of the elderberry bush are entirely safe to eat.

Ensalada de Frutas – Ensalada de Frutas, which means fruit salad, is a dessert that consists of fruit juices or syrups mixed with fruits.

Elegant Cake – Elegant cakes are elegant and regal cakes that are usually served at weddings. However, it can also be enjoyed as a snack.

Eves Pudding – As the name suggests, Eve’s Pudding is made from apples baked under a Victoria sponge cake mixture. Now you don’t have to go to a restaurant for dessert as you can make it home.

Ensaimada – Ensaimada is a type of Spanish pastry. Sugar, salt, and fat (from the butter, eggs, and lard) combine to create a delicious taste.

Earl Grey Ice Cream – Ice cream with Earl Grey flavor is a unique dessert. There is a slight citrus taste to this taste, which is derived from bergamot oil. It is worth it.

Elvis Presley Cake – Elvis Presley Cake is a cake and snack made by Elvis’ grandmother with pineapple and pecans. It is said that he requested it every time he visited her.

Snacks that start with a different letter of the alphabet



Image credits – Canva

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