Why Am I Craving Wine? [And What to Do? Explained!]

It has remained one of the most popular liquors worldwide for many years. Even though there are several flavors of it, you will usually find one in a store or even your local grocery store. For this reason, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that many people crave it from time to time. Still, you may ask:

Why am I craving wine? There is growing evidence that even the slightest taste of wine floods the brain with the neurotransmitter dopamine, causing us to feel the need to finish the glass. In addition, it plays various roles in the brain, including motivating behavior such as reward-seeking, drug abuse, and addiction.

Your craving for wine is likely caused by stress, routine, and a sudden withdrawal from alcohol. Also, we need to examine each of these explanations and factors, such as pregnancy and gut bacteria.

The following post contains all the information you need about wine cravings. In addition, the article outlines the most common causes of these urges and offers suggestions for dealing with them.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Craving WinePin

Why do I crave wine?

What does it mean when you are craving wine? The reason you crave wine is probably stress, your habits, or you stopped drinking wine suddenly. Here are three scenarios you could consider to see if any of them fits your case.

Routines, Habits, and Drinking Triggers

Apart from solid cravings for wine, several internal and external factors can contribute. For instance, a desire to drink can be triggered by objects, emotions, or places associated with drinking, whereas routines and habits can make drinking appear automatic.

If you are used to hitting happy hour at your favorite bar after work, you may want to have a glass of wine once you leave the office.

In addition to factors, internal and external factors can also contribute to excessive drinking. For example, when you are with others who drink, you are likely to be triggered by the presence of wine. 

Generally speaking, traumatizing thoughts and emotions can trigger internal triggers such as stress, depression, sadness, anger, anxiety, and depression. Even happiness may trigger the desire to consume wine if you associate it with a feeling of fun and celebration.

Stress or Emotion

It is common for us to crave wine when under stress or experiencing strong emotions. In fact, when you drink wine, you feel a sense of happiness and pleasure because endorphins are released in the body. 

In addition to low blood sugar, wine cravings can also be caused by low blood sugar levels. If one has not drunk for an extended period, one also experiences wine cravings.

Shortly put, by consuming wine regularly, you may be able to handle stress and emotions more effectively. However, moderation is always the key to success when trying out this method.

It is possible to relax and enjoy yourself away from your stress as long as you do not drink a lot of alcohol.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

If you have recently stopped drinking, you may also suffer from Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). It is common to notice this symptom among people who have recovered from physical withdrawal from alcohol.

When a person decides to give up alcohol, their brain chemistry can take some time to adjust. 

As well as experiencing intense emotions while drinking, people may also feel stressed when readjusting to everyday life and developing new routines. 

When the right support system is in place, PAWS usually goes away on its own. However, if it doesn’t go away by itself, you will probably have intense cravings while you wait.

As well as anxiety, depression, irritability, problems with cognitive functions, self-defeating thoughts, insomnia, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors, PAWS is also marked by anxiety and depression. Approximately 75 percent of people in alcohol recovery will have experienced PAWS at some point during their recovery.

Why am I craving wine all of a sudden?

A craving for wine suddenly can be caused by Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS), which stands for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. As someone gives up alcohol for the first time, their brain chemistry can take some time to adjust. This may explain why you may have wine cravings.

While drinking, people may also experience intense emotions, and they may feel stressed when readjusting to daily life and building new routines after drinking. In short, you will be much happier by eating healthier alternatives and by focusing your attention on other things rather than on your wine craving.

Why am I craving wine all the time?

If you find that you are craving wine all the time, it is probably because of your routines and habits. It is possible to be tempted to drink by objects, emotions, or places we associate with drinking, whereas routines and habits can make it, so it feels like drinking comes naturally.

Wine cravings can occur due to internal and external factors. In any case, it is common for one to be triggered by wine or by being with others who drink as well. 

You should be aware of the fact that it’s a temporary situation, and it will pass as soon as you’re over it and more accustomed to the absence of wine consumption.

How to stop craving wine?

To stop craving wine, you need to identify patterns and trends. It is possible to predict, prepare for, and overcome a wide variety of triggers by identifying the cues and triggers that cause you to crave drinking.

You can still focus your energy away from the temporary discomfort by using our list of calming strategies. Unless we act on our cravings, they will only last for a short time. As long as you acknowledge our feelings and allow them to rise and fade harmlessly, you have little to fear.

What to eat when craving wine?

Many people in their recovery struggle to manage their wine cravings daily, but certain foods can help them with that. According to addiction experts, the key is eating foods that can aid digestion, promote constant blood sugar levels throughout the day, or support brain chemistry. 

They have listed seven of their favorite craving busters below:

  • Salmon
  • Raw spinach
  • 100% whole-grain bread
  • Plain organic yogurt
  • Peanut butter
  • Walnuts
  • Bananas

Apart from that, it might be better to find alternatives to wine that provide you with a healthier alternative for yourself. If you do so, you will avoid drinking too much alcohol and avoid giving in to your cravings.

Craving wine during pregnancy

Why are you craving wine when pregnant? In general, it is strongly recommended that pregnant women refrain from drinking wine during their pregnancy. As a result, if you find yourself craving wine during pregnancy, it would be best if you ignored your craving and drank healthier alternatives instead.

There is evidence to suggest that pregnant women who consume wine during their pregnancy may harm their unborn child. In addition, pregnant women may also be susceptible to long-term health problems and fetal abnormalities as a result of prolonged wine consumption.

Pregnant women or women trying to get pregnant should avoid consuming large amounts of wine during this period. There is also no evidence as to when pregnant women should drink wine. However, it is thought that any wine will have the same harmful effect on a pregnant woman.

Craving wine before period

Why are you craving wine before your period? If you crave wine before your period, you won’t be able to satisfy your iron needs by drinking it.

When you’re on your period, you may crave wine or other alcoholic beverages, but alcohol can negatively impact your hormone levels. When you drink alcohol, you create more estrogen and testosterone. Both can exacerbate PMS symptoms such as mood swings and irritability.

In brief, giving in to your wine cravings is not a good idea because hormones usually cause them. Instead, stick to healthy foods and beverages to assist you in getting through your period.

Craving wine on period

Why are you craving wine when you are on your period? When you’re on your period and craving wine, you likely need to have more iron, and sipping won’t please such.

It’s natural to crave wine or other alcoholic beverages during your period, but alcohol might interfere with your hormones. For example, drinking boosts the synthesis of both estrogen and testosterone. These things can increase PMS symptoms, extreme mood swings, and irritability.

It would be best not to give in to your wine cravings since hormones are usually at the root of them. Instead, choose healthy meals and beverages during your period to keep your diet healthy.

Craving wine at night

Why are you craving wine at night? If you have a nighttime wine craving, don’t give in. Instead, seek out additional options, particularly iron-rich beverages.

Wine should not be consumed within four hours of bedtime. Even though wine may help you fall asleep, it harms the quality of your sleep. Furthermore, one glass of wine can take up to an hour to digest.

In short, giving in to your wine desires, especially before bedtime, is not a good choice. If you have other healthier options, you should consume them instead of wine.

Craving wine when sick

Why are you craving wine when you are sick? If you crave wine while you’re sick, you probably need more iron, but drinking won’t help you get it.

You should avoid drinking wine if you are sick since it hurts your immune system. 

Drinking wine can reduce your body’s ability to fight infection. When your immune system is compromised, you are more likely to become ill and recover slowly.

In summary, while you’re unwell, you should eat and drink nutritious foods and beverages rather than giving in to your alcohol desires. It will aid your recovery and prevent further difficulties caused by wine.

Can you have a wine addiction?

Yes, it is possible to have a wine addiction, and it frequently occurs in persons who do not limit their wine use.

People that drink wine must drink one alcoholic beverage per day or drink wine at least 3 or 4 days per week. Nevertheless, limit yourself to no more than two drinks every day.

You may increase your heart disease and death risk overall if you drink more than two alcoholic beverages per day.

In summary, if you don’t give in to your urges and avoid wine at all costs, you’ll probably do fine. In this manner, you can avoid drinking too much alcohol and the issues that come with it.

Is craving wine a sign of pregnancy?

Wine cravings are not an indication of pregnancy and should not be interpreted as such. Pregnant women are not urged to drink alcohol. Nonetheless, studies show that the desire for wine, as well as its benefits, persists in the body and brain even after you quit drinking.

In short, if you’re craving wine, it’s because you used to drink it frequently and then quit, and you haven’t had one in a while. Further, you may experience such a want if you’re feeling stressed, but it’s rarely because of a pregnancy craving.

Can you drink too much wine?

Yes, it is possible to consume too much wine, which is not a good thing. If you consume too much wine, you may suffer from different complications. These are flushing, confusion, difficulties regulating emotions, blackouts, loss of coordination, convulsions, and fatigue. 

Further, you can suffer from breathing difficulty, chills, low blood, nausea, constipation, bleeding, irregular heartbeat, and other side effects if you consume too much wine.

In summary, if you avoid drinking too much wine, you will be doing your body a favor. It will also assist you in avoiding consuming vast amounts of alcohol daily.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked wine-related questions. You’re probably thinking about some of these topics.

What does craving wine mean emotionally?

Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, is released into our brains after only a small taste of wine, making us want the remainder of the pint. Dopamine performs a variety of roles in the brain, but it is most commonly associated with motivation, reward-seeking behavior, and drug addiction.

Recognition of such a desire is a sort of self-medication. Wine, for example, can pique your interest since you appreciate it and haven’t had any in a long time. Furthermore, satisfying this urge may increase your mood or, in other words, make you happier.

What deficiency causes you to crave wine?

If you’ve been craving wine and suspect you’re deficient in nutrition, it’s most likely an iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency is caused by a shortage of iron in the body. In the United States, nutritional insufficiency is the leading cause of death.

Diseases, nutritional inadequacies, blood losses, and the body’s inability to take in or absorb iron can all increase iron deficiency.

While wine contains trace levels of iron, there are better options. In this manner, you may avoid consuming too much alcohol while still getting the iron your body requires.

Craving red wine

Red wine cravings often occur because of several reasons. For instance, there might be reasons behind the craving for red wine, such as food addiction or an emotional reaction to past events. In addition, it might be that you are deficient in a specific type of nutrient, or you may need to supplement your diet.

Craving white wine

If you’re craving white wine, it’s because you miss it and haven’t had some of it in a while. Wine may have become a part of your relaxation ritual over the years because we have become used to associating it with a “soothing” sensation.

Most of us can relate to the desire for calmness and serenity, and one study suggests that moderate consumption of wine can help alleviate feelings of stress.

Craving pink wine

If you’re craving pink wine, it’s because of an emotional reason. When we are under stress or experiencing strong emotions, we tend to crave alcohol to help us cope with the situation.

When we drink alcohol, endorphins are released, which induce pleasure and happiness in the brain.

Alcohol cravings can also occur when your blood sugar levels are low, and in other cases, alcohol cravings may also occur when you have not eaten anything for a long time.

Craving wine gums

If you’re craving wine gums, you probably crave the sugar boost it offers. However, that’s not ideal for you to eat.

With their high sugar content, these wine gums will give you a quick energy boost, but you may feel tired and lethargic afterward. This is especially true if you’ve just consumed the entire package.


In a nutshell, wine cravings commonly occur for various reasons. In some cases, it can be due to emotional stress, routine, or cravings after a period of no drinking. In any case, you need to understand what it means so that you can deal with it without compromising your health in any manner. 

You will most likely experience a craving for wine when you are stressed, going through routines, or when you stopped drinking alcohol suddenly. The numerous explanations and less likely factors like pregnancy and gut bacteria should be considered one by one.



Image credits – Canva

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