Can You Eat Steaks With Braces? (All You Need to Know)

If braces and steaks have something in common, it’s definitely the fact they’re both very expensive. Why are we bringing it up? No idea, but when we already did, let’s take a look at how it is with eating steaks with braces:

Can you eat steaks with braces? Unfortunately, you cannot eat steaks with braces, which is primarily due to the fact they’re extremely hard to chew on. Chewy meats like steak can easily break wires or brackets, meaning they simply must be avoided while wearing braces.

But this is hardly everything that can be said about this topic, and if we really want to understand it, we’re going to have to dive into it a bit deeper. 

What are we waiting for then? Let’s just get started!

Can You Eat Steaks With BracesPin

Can I eat steaks with braces?

No, you can’t eat steaks with braces, not even the most tender kind of it you can think of because even that one would be too chewy. And even besides that, steak is simply no good for your braces, because of its fattiness, for instance. Therefore, if you have to wear braces, rather stay away from steaks altogether.

How to eat steaks with braces?

In the previous answer, we have explained to you why steaks and braces should never be mixed. Because of that, it is pretty evident that there are basically no ways how to eat steaks with braces, at least provided that you don’t want them to get broken.

Tips to eat steaks with braces

But if you for any reason decide not to listen to us and you still get some steak while wearing braces, please, at least follow these few basic tips:

Tip 1

When you simply can’t resist a steak while wearing braces, the first thing you should do is to pick as tender kind of it as possible. That will make chewing the meat much less likely to damage your braces; however, remember that even tender steaks should ideally be avoided entirely while wearing braces!

Tip 2

After you finish the steak, wait for a couple of minutes and drink a lot of water in the meantime. Then, you will have to brush your teeth carefully to clean both your teeth and braces.

Tip 3

However, since just brushing your teeth most likely won’t be enough, you’ll then also have to get some dental floss. When you do that, tie a knot in it and just then use this knot to actually pull all of the remains out of the braces.

Do steaks get stuck in your braces?

Yes, steaks get stuck in your braces, which is precisely the reason why you should rather avoid them. Additionally, steaks are often very hard-to-chew-on, which is not a good thing either.

What happens if you eat steaks with braces?

If you eat steaks with braces, it can very likely happen that one of your braces’ brackets will right away get broken. That is because steaks are usually exceptionally hard-to-chew-on, which means you should rather stay away from them while wearing braces.

How to fix steaks on braces?

Above in the tip section, we’ve already talked about this one thoroughly, so we’ll now take it just quickly – to fix steaks on braces, you should, most importantly, brush your teeth carefully. If that isn’t enough, you should then use some dental floss as well.

Are steaks considered sticky food?

No, steaks are not considered sticky food; however, that doesn’t mean that you could eat them with braces. So what is the reason for that then? Well, mainly the fact even the most tender steaks out there are usually kind of chewy, and that could easily break one of the braces’ brackets.

Can I eat steaks in the first week of braces?

As we have already mentioned a lot of times, you should ideally avoid steaks entirely while wearing braces. Hence, it is evident that you can’t eat steaks in the first week of braces because that is precisely when the braces are most prone to being damaged.

Are steaks good to eat with braces?

No, steaks are not good to eat with braces, as we have been trying to explain to you this whole article. While there are multiple reasons for that, one of the most important is that steaks are usually very hard to chew on.

Can steaks damage and break your braces?

Of course, steaks can damage and break your braces; in fact, it is nearly assured this will happen! Because of that, it is evident that you should always stay as far away from steaks as possible while wearing braces, at least provided that you don’t want them to get broken.

Frequently asked questions

Can you eat steak tacos with braces?

Yes, you can eat steak tacos with braces; however, with that being said, keep in mind that it may be wise to slice the taco into small pieces first.

Can you eat soft steak with braces?

Unfortunately, you cannot eat even soft steak with braces because they’re still fairly hard to chew on, no matter the name.

Can you eat Salisbury steak with braces?

Yes, you can eat Salisbury steak with braces because this kind of steak is actually prepared out of ground beef.

Can you eat pork chops with braces?

Although you can eat pork chops with braces, we wouldn’t recommend it to you because it is still a hard-to-chew-on kind of meat.

Can you eat cut-up steak with braces?

Since it is a bit tender piece of meat, you can eat cut-up steak with braces; however, remember that it is still best to stay away from every kind of steak.

Can you eat filet mignon with braces?

And the same goes even for filet mignon – yes, you can eat filet mignon with braces, but if you were to ask us, we wouldn’t really recommend it to you.

Can you eat chicken steak with braces?

Yes, you can eat chicken steak with braces because chicken steak is much less chewy and moist than the beef steaks served usually.

Can you eat beef steak with braces?

So as we have touched on in the previous answer, you can’t eat beef steak with braces because they’re usually far too chewy.


Since steaks are often very chewy, they should be avoided when you’re wearing braces. Otherwise, biting into it could easily result in one of the braces’ brackets getting broken. However, if you crave it unbearably, at least choose chicken or Salisbury steak because those are less likely to be harmful.

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