Why Is My Ginger Blue? (All You Need to Know)

Since ginger is a popular spice used in many recipes, we always see such when cooking our dishes. Thus, we are all familiar with the yellow color inside the brown skin of ginger. For this reason, it may seem problematic to see blue hues in your ginger upon cutting. If you see such, you may ask:

Why is my ginger blue? If your ginger is blue, it has something to do with anthocyanins. Anthocyanin is a type of plant that gives vibrant hues. Ginger contains such, and it can make them blue when stored in a cool place. While the blue color may seem problematic, it remains safe for consumption, so don’t worry about it.

Some people may see the bluish hues is something problematic. However, it happens simply because of a ginger’s reaction to cold environments. So while blue ginger isn’t familiar to us, it’s perfectly safe for consumption.

In this article, you’ll read through all you need to know about ginger and why they sometimes turn blue. This way, you can learn its causes and understand why it’s not something you should worry about.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Why Is My Ginger BluePin

Why does ginger turn blue?

Some ginger varieties can turn blue if stored for several days or weeks in a cold environment like your fridge. The same is true of garlic, which can sometimes turn blue and still be eaten.

Occasionally, the blue color in ginger is a faint hue. Other times it’s a bright blue ring around the edge. However, it doesn’t have to be the refrigerator. You could have it in a very cold pantry or have it where the seller kept it before you acquired it.

Ginger contains anthocyanins, so it turns blue rather than something else. Different varieties of ginger have different levels of anthocyanins. Despite their strange-sounding names, these are antioxidants and pigments found in every berry and red fruit—everything from red cabbage to purple carrots, red onions, cherries, blueberries, and cranberries.

Anthocyanins turn from red to blue. Acidic fruits and vegetables, such as red onions, are red when acidic. When the pH of the fruit or vegetable is alkaline, it turns blue.

When ginger is exposed to the cold for an extended period, its chemical composition changes slightly. As a result, a vaguely blue tinge appears around the outer ring as the solution becomes more alkaline.

Why is my ginger root blue?

Ginger contains anthocyanins, a compound that turns blue when exposed to acids. This is the same compound that sometimes turns garlic blue. 

Some ginger varieties from Japan contain these compounds but not those from China, which explains why this only occurs in certain varieties. Ginger has a slightly acidic pH that probably initiates the reaction.

In general, ginger with blue hues is safe for consumption, and you should note that bluish hues can happen naturally. Furthermore, since it is an antioxidant that gives off the blue hues, you may find it even beneficial for your health.

Is blue ginger poisonous?

No, blue ginger is not poisonous. On the contrary, it’s perfectly safe to eat. The only difference is that the flavor of blue ginger is a bit milder compared to yellow. However, when used in cooking, you won’t notice the difference.

Is blue ginger OK to eat?

Yes, blue ginger is OK to eat. Don’t worry if your ginger did this. It will still work for you. 

So long as the ginger is not moldy, still smells good, and is not slimy, it is still safe to use in all the ways ginger is used. It might seem strange, but it’s OK in the end.

One thing to note is that blue ginger is less acidic, so it tastes better. However, the flavor is milder and not as spicy as it used to be.

Can blue ginger make you sick?

No, blue ginger cannot make you sick since it’s the blue hues that can happen to ginger. If exposed to acid, ginger’s anthocyanins turn blue. A similar compound also causes garlic to turn blue. 

The only thing that the bluish hues affect is the taste. The flavor of blue ginger is a bit milder. Other than that, you won’t get sick from eating blue ginger.

How can you tell if ginger has gone bad?

If there is mold on your ginger, you’ll know it has gone bad. However, you can tell if it is time to discard it before mold develops. 

As the ginger dries out on the counter, you can tell if it is time to discard it. It starts from a fresh rhizome with relatively smooth skin to a wrinkled, matte piece of ginger.

If you keep ginger in the refrigerator, you might think it will last longer. However, it can last up to two weeks on the counter. You’ll use it all up within the next two weeks. You probably use ginger as a tea, a sauce, or a similar way.

In general, the ginger knob interestingly reacts to the cold, and not all do. For example, some plants contain more anthocyanins than others, making them blue faster.

The blue ginger is still safe as long as it does not have mold or smell funny. However, if you’re unsure, it can be thrown out and replaced. 


In a nutshell, Anthocyanins are responsible for blue ginger. The pigment anthocyanin gives plants their vibrant colors. However, when ginger is stored in a cold environment, it can turn blue. Although it may appear problematic, it is safe for consumption, so don’t worry.

The bluish hues may seem unsettling to some people. However, it is simply the result of a ginger’s reaction to cold environments. We may not be familiar with blue ginger, but it’s perfectly safe to consume.

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Image credits – Canva

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