Does Cranberry Juice Need to Be Refrigerated? (Explained!)

Comparing the taste of warm cranberry juice to the one the cold one has makes it evident that not putting cranberry juice into the fridge should be a crime. But have you ever thought about if it is really needed?

So does cranberry juice need to be refrigerated? To put it simply, yes, cranberry juice needs to be refrigerated. The reason for that is that all kinds of cranberry juice require refrigeration after they’re opened, and many should even be in the fridge simply all the time.

But this was just to put it briefly because we have to look a bit deeper into this topic to actually understand it.

So what are we waiting for? Let’s just jump right into it!

Does Cranberry Juice Need to Be RefrigeratedPin

Does cranberry juice need to be refrigerated?

When talking about whether cranberry juice needs refrigeration or not, it is vital to make a distinction between the two types of it. First, there is cranberry juice sold in the unrefrigerated section, and then there’s cranberry juice sold in the refrigerated section. The latter, as you probably guessed, needs to be refrigerated always, while the former has to be in the fridge only after you’ve opened it. 

Does Ocean Spray cranberry juice need to be refrigerated?

No, Ocean Spray cranberry juice doesn’t have to be refrigerated, well, at least until you open it. When already opened, Ocean Spray cranberry juice should always be tightly sealed and put in the fridge; however, an unopened pack of Ocean Spray cranberry juice will stay good for as long as nine months, even at room temperature. 

How long does cranberry juice last in the fridge?

Cranberry juice can last for quite a while when refrigerated, provided you have not opened it yet. On the other hand, an already opened bottle of cranberry juice won’t last much longer than two weeks in the fridge.

Does opened cranberry juice need to be refrigerated?

As we’ve explained above, opened cranberry juice must always be refrigerated, especially if it’s the kind that was sold refrigerated in the first place. When stored correctly in the fridge, you can expect your opened cranberry juice to last for something between two and three weeks. 

Will cranberry juice go bad if not refrigerated? 

Yes, cranberry juice will go bad if not refrigerated, and it can happen even pretty quickly if we’re talking about the kind sold in the refrigerated section because you should always store that one in the fridge. 

On the other hand, the lifespan of the cranberry juice sold in the unrefrigerated section won’t be affected by whether or not you store it in the fridge; however, it still won’t last much more than eight months.

How to store cranberry juice without refrigeration?

If you want to store your cranberry juice outside of the fridge, you first have to make sure you haven’t bought your juice from the refrigerated section because that way, refrigeration is simply necessary.

If we’re talking about the one sold unrefrigerated, though, the best way to store cranberry juice without refrigeration is to put it in some dark and cold place, like maybe a basement.

How long can cranberry juice sit out at room temperature?

As you’ve probably guessed, the cranberry juice sold in the fridge should always be refrigerated, and therefore it cannot sit out at room temperature for more than a couple of hours.

Quite the contrary, if you bought your cranberry juice in the unrefrigerated section, you can let it sit out for even as long as nine months, and it’ll still be good!

Is it safe to leave cranberry juice at room temperature?

As we’ve explained above, it is safe to leave cranberry juice at room temperature, but only if you haven’t bought it in the refrigerated section. That’s because that kind is shelf-stable, meaning it can last up to nine months in some cases, even outside of the fridge.

But if you’ve bought your cranberry juice at the refrigerated section, it can be left out for just 

 a few hours, and leaving it at room temperature for longer, therefore, definitely isn’t safe.

How do you know if cranberry juice has gone bad?

Believe it or not, telling bad cranberry juice from the good one isn’t anything complicated – to know if cranberry juice has gone bad, just carefully check its smell and appearance. Have you noticed any weird colors in the cranberry juice or a disgusting odor coming from it? If not, the juice is good to go, but otherwise, you should immediately toss it out.


When deciding whether or not does cranberry juice requires refrigeration, it is crucial to make a clear distinction between the one sold in the unrefrigerated section and the one sold in the fridges.

The reason for that is that while the latter needs to be refrigerated all the time, the former can be stored even outside of the fridge, provided the original packaging hasn’t been opened yet.



Image credits – Canva

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