Why Am I Craving Cheese? [And What to Do? Explained!]

Cheese is one of the food you will never get tired of eating. It’s an enjoyable thing that goes along with anything. Thus, craving such would be a usual thing. Still, it may make you wonder:

Why am I craving cheese? If you’re craving cheese, it’s probably because of common reasons. For instance, you may not be eating enough or getting enough fat from your diet. Also, it can be that you lack nutrients from cheese. Lastly, it can be due to emotional eating or miss enjoying cheese.

Some cravings may appear unusual at first, but many of them signify inadequacies in your body. Craving cheese, for example, indicates that you are not getting enough lipids. It is better to give in to your urge rather than suppress it in most circumstances.

In this article, we’ll walk you through all the things you need to know about cheese and craving such. This way, you can get some sense of how you should respond and deal with it if you feel the need for it.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Craving CheesePin

Why do I crave cheese?

What does it mean when you are craving cheese? When you crave cheese, you probably have several reasons for doing so. 

For example, you may not be eating or consuming enough fat. Additionally, you may not be getting enough nutrients from cheese. Last but not least, it could be that you miss cheese or are emotional about eating.

Let’s have a better look at each of these reasons.

You’re not eating enough.

It may probably be because you’re not eating enough if you’re craving cheese. But, on the other hand, hunger may hint you to crave things like cheese.

Since cheese contains loads of fat and protein, it may make you crave such. The high sodium and fat content of cheese can make you crave it whenever you feel hungry.

Your diet contains less fat.

As mentioned earlier, cheese contains a lot of fat, and so having a diet that gives you less fat than your body needs can make you crave cheese.

Of course, you can get fat with other types of food. However, since cheese is primarily present in most food, your body may crave it automatically.

In general, you should consider getting the right amount of fat in your diet. While it may seem unhealthy, your body needs such.

For instance, fat helps you in protecting your vital organs. It will also help you slow digestion, making you full a lot longer than usual.

Another thing to note is that men should have around 10-20% of fat in their bodies, while women should have 20-35%. So, in short, you need fat, and it should be part of your diet.

Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is the act of acting on hedonic hunger! Thus, you are eating because you react to your emotions rather than being physically hungry.

It can happen in various ways. It is commonly recognized, for example, that diets heavy in fat and sugar may cause chemical responses in the human body.

The mere notion of eating sweet or fatty foods might cause your brain to release the chemical dopamine. Dopamine is often known as the “feel good” molecule.

Lack Of Vitamin D 

If you go on the internet, you’ll find that some health blogs claim that a lack of vitamin D causes cheese cravings.

In general, you acquire this vitamin through the sun, but you may also find it in various goods. So, for example, there is some validity to the statement because cheese contains vitamin D.

Other dairy products, such as milk, contain vitamin D as well. As a result, many individuals obtain their vitamin D via milk, which has vitamin D added to it.

The temptation is to believe that you only need Vitamin D and that your cheese cravings will disappear. After all, it’s simple to take a vitamin D tablet, and all your issues will go!

Why am I craving cheese all of a sudden?

If you get a sudden need for cheese, it might be due to a vitamin deficiency. In general, our bodies require some essential vitamins and minerals from food because our bodies do not produce them.

As a result, you may want cheese due to a lack of necessary vitamins and minerals. Deficits in vitamins A and B-12, calcium, zinc, and magnesium are common causes of cheese cravings.

Why am I craving cheese all the time?

If you have a continual yearning for cheese, your diet may lack essential nutrients. Cheese, for example, provides nutrients, and your body may communicate that you need them by producing a sense of hunger.

How to stop craving cheese?

The simplest way to stop craving cheese would be to get a balanced diet and avoid eating unhealthy food. 

Food is the thing that keeps us going throughout the day. It’s the energy source, and low consumption than needed will affect our performance.

In such a way, cravings are like signals of the body, telling you that you need something. Thus, the best answer is to eat some food. However, it doesn’t mean any food. You need to know what you lack so you can eat right, and that’s where cravings are handy.

Thus, if you crave cheese, it probably means you need the nutrients you can get in cheese. On the contrary, if you don’t prefer cheese or can’t get one, you can try other alternatives.

What to eat when craving cheese?

If you’re craving cheese, you might not eat enough fats and other nutrients you get from it. Thus, you need to eat either cheese itself or other similar alternatives.

You can try other dairy products like milk, ice cream, butter, eggs, yogurts, and others. Also, you can try other food with the same nutrients as cheese.

In short, you can try other food as long as it gives the same amount, if not more, of nutrients you get in cheese. 

If you have no idea where to start, take it as a rule of thumb to search for food that contains high amounts of fat and calories like cheese.

Craving cheese during pregnancy

Why are you craving cheese when pregnant? If you have a cheese appetite when pregnant, it is because your body is signaling you that you need calcium and other nutrients from cheese.

Calcium has been shown to alleviate cramping, bloating, and water retention. Calcium is also plentiful in dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.

In a nutshell, it is a sign to give in to your cravings. However, overlooking this might lead to a calcium deficiency, which could endanger your pregnancy in the long run. As a result, you can eat cheese or other calcium-rich foods.

Craving cheese before period

Why are you craving cheese before your period? If you desire cheese before your period, it’s most likely because your body is signaling you that you require the nutrients found in cheese. It often wants calcium from cheese.

In general, calcium benefits in decreasing menstrual cramps and bloating produced by your period. As a result, if you anticipate having your monthly period, it is a good idea to give in to your craving and get some cheese.

Craving cheese on period

Why are you craving cheese when you are on your period? If you want cheese during your period, it’s because you’re low in nutrients found in cheese, specifically calcium. You can benefit from giving in to your hunger because calcium helps alleviate cramp pain.

Remember not to overdo it while following your instincts. Nonetheless, eating enough cheese throughout your period rather than ignoring your cravings may be suitable.

Craving cheese at night

Why are you craving cheese at night? If you desire cheese at night, it might be due to habit or a nutritional necessity in your body.

When you consume the same food or drink daily, your body and brain get accustomed to it. It’s a habit, and you can find yourself going to the refrigerator even if you’re not hungry or thirsty.

The good news is that most food cravings are short-lived, lasting around three to five minutes. While you wait for the desire to pass, distract yourself. Alternatively, stock up on more enticing or healthier alternatives, such as sparkling water or tea. When you feel like eating cheese, look for alternatives.

Craving cheese when sick

Why are you craving cheese when you are sick? If you want cheese while you’re unwell, it means you’re low in the vitamins and minerals found in cheese.

These vital elements, including vitamin A, B-12, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, are not produced by the body and must be obtained from the diet. Therefore, a cheese appetite might indicate a lack of one or more of these nutrients.

Consequently, if you don’t want to eat cheese or can’t locate it, it’s best to stick to your tastes or find an alternate meal.

Can you have a cheese addiction?

Although it’s less likely to happen, you may have a cheese addiction if you often give in to your cravings. Cheese’s component casein, which your body breaks down into casomorphins, may be moderately addictive. 

In general, these substances bind to dopamine receptors in your brain, perhaps causing cravings for comparable meals. But, on the contrary, cheese is not addictive and is not hazardous in any manner.

Is craving cheese a sign of pregnancy?

Craving cheese doesn’t necessarily indicate pregnancy. While typical pregnancy cravings involve salty and spicy food, there’s no evidence that cheese cravings signify pregnancy. If you want to be sure, you should consider getting a test.

Can you eat too much cheese?

Yes, you can eat too much cheese. Although cheese contains essential nutrients for your body’s daily needs, too much consumption can affect your overall health. Cheese is abundant in protein and calcium, but it is also heavy in saturated fat and salt. It implies that consuming too much may result in excessive cholesterol and blood pressure, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Frequently asked questions

Now, let’s get to the frequently asked questions about this topic. You’ve undoubtedly had one or two queries in your head that need to be answered.

What does craving cheese mean emotionally?

It’s tough to know whether a cheese hunger is an emotional reaction. Nonetheless, the cheese’s relaxing impact on the body might be a genuine cause to want it. In summary, it might be an emotional hunger, and you must resist it.

What deficiency causes you to crave cheese?

If you crave cheese, it’s because you have a deficiency in iron or calcium. Cheese cravings are sometimes interpreted as an indication of insufficient iron or calcium levels. However, it is thought that satisfying your desires would assist your body in meeting its essential demands and correcting the vitamin shortage.

Craving cheese sticks

If you crave cheese sticks, it’s because you haven’t had some for a while or your body wants you to get a variety in your diet.

Some craving scenarios may look strange at first, but many of them indicate deficiencies in your body. Craving cheese, for example, implies that you are deficient in fats. In most cases, giving in to your want is preferable to suppress it.

Craving cheese and salt

If you’re craving cheese and salt, it’s likely because you lack sodium in your body, which these two can offer. Still, you should know that most desires are associated with unhealthy meals that provide little or no nutrients. 

Salt and cheese cravings are widespread, mainly caused by circumstances such as boredom or stress. However, a salt desire can occasionally be linked to a medical issue or a sodium shortage.

Craving cheese and crackers

If you crave cheese and crackers, it’s because you aren’t eating enough. In short, your craving might be an effect of hunger. Some desires may appear unusual at first, but many of them signify inadequacies in your body. 

Craving cheese, for example, indicates that you are not getting enough fats. Therefore, it is preferable to give in to your urge rather than suppress it in most circumstances.

Craving cheese and chocolate

If you’re craving cheese and chocolate, it’s because you haven’t had them for a while now. Also, you may need the nutrients or contents of both. One thing to note is that most cravings involve these two, so be sure to understand how you crave such by giving them a try.


In a nutshell, cheese cravings are usually rooted in several common reasons. For example, you might be eating too little or not receiving enough fat from your diet. It’s also possible that you’re deficient in nutrients from cheese. Finally, it might be linked to emotional eating or simply a lack of enjoyment of cheese.

Some desires may seem strange initially, but most of them indicate deficiencies in your system. Craving cheese, for example, implies that you are deficient in fats. Therefore, it is advisable to give in to your desire rather than repress it in most cases.



Image credits – Canva

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