Can You Refrigerate Sous Vide Food? (What Food? Explained!)

Refrigeration is one of the best ways to preserve food. Be it raw or cooked. You’ll expand the lifetime of your food when you put it in a cold environment. Now, if you’re new to sous vide, you may probably wonder if food processed through this method works the same. Thus, you may ask:

Can you refrigerate sous vide food? Yes, you can refrigerate sous vide food. Sous vide food is like any other cooked food. What makes it better is that you have them sealed in an airtight plastic bag. Such packaging can expand the lifetime of your food, especially when you refrigerate it.

Sous vide food may need some finishing touches, such as quick sear or browning. However, if you’re cooking sous vide in advance, you can do these things after taking out your sous vide food from the fridge.

This article will walk you through some of the fundamental questions about refrigerating sous vide food. Further, we’ll talk about some of the typical foods you may refrigerate after sous vide. This way, you can understand how it works and how you should deal with it.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Can You Refrigerate Sous Vide FoodPin

Can you sous vide then refrigerate?

Yes, you can sous vide then refrigerate. One of the best things you’ll like about sous vide is that it helps you become efficient in cooking. It does so by allowing you to sous vide your food in advance, refrigerate it after cooking, and then take it out and sear whenever you need to serve it.

This method works best if your food needs a long cooking time in sous vide and you want to cook it in advance. Then, when you take it out of the fridge, you can place it back in the water bath to defrost, then finish according to your preferred recipe.

How long can sous vide stay in the fridge?

Your sous vide food can stay in the fridge for as long as ten days if you haven’t opened the sealed bag where it stays. However, if you open the bag, the food will have the same lifespan as traditionally-cooked food.

Some food will also have a longer shelf life than others. Thus, make sure to know how long your cooked food can last to avoid spoilage.

Can you refrigerate sous vide chicken?

Yes, you can refrigerate sous vide chicken. However, sous vide chicken needs some quick sear or browning after sous vide to give it that extra flavor. So, if you’re cooking in advance or in big batches, you can refrigerate your sous vide chicken and take it out when you need it.

How long can you keep sous vide chicken in the fridge?

You can keep your sous vide chicken in the fridge for as long as 48 hours or two days. When refrigerating, make sure that the chicken is still secured in the sous vide bag, and it’s airtight and sealed. This way, you can prolong its shelf life and keep it safe for consumption.

How do you store chicken breast after sous vide?

If you have a chicken breast and you want to store it after sous vide, you can follow this step-by-step process as your guide and instructions.

  1. Get some fresh chicken breast. A fresh one will ensure a longer shelf life when cooked.
  2. Wash the chicken breast and place it in a safe plastic bag.
  3. Seal the bag and make sure it’s airtight.
  4. Cook the chicken breast in sous vide according to your preferred recipe.
  5. Take it out of the water bath after cooking and cool for around 15 minutes. Do so without opening the bag.
  6. Place it in the fridge and only take it out when you need it.

How do you refrigerate sous vide chicken?

If you want to refrigerate sous vide chicken, you can follow this step-by-step process as your guide and instructions.

  1. Purchase some fresh chicken. When cooked, a fresh one will have a longer shelf life.
  2. Place the chicken in a secure plastic bag.
  3. Make sure the bag is airtight by sealing it.
  4. Prepare the chicken in sous vide according to the directions on the package.
  5. After cooking, remove it from the water bath and let it cool for about 15 minutes. This cooldown must be done without opening the bag.
  6. Put it in the fridge and take it out only if you need it.

If you’re cooking large batches of chicken, make sure to pack it in bags per serving. This way, you don’t leave the cooked chicken exposed if you won’t serve it yet.

Can you refrigerate sous vide meat?

Yes, you can refrigerate sous vide meat. It’s a terrific approach if you’re preparing significant amounts of cooked meat ahead of time. Because meat requires a brief sear after sous vide for added taste, you may prepare it right before serving.

How long can you keep sous vide meat in the fridge?

You can keep your sous vide meat in the fridge for as long as 5-10 days. As a result, you may cook your meat sous vide ahead of time, store it in the fridge, and take it out when you’re ready to serve.

Can you refrigerate sous vide meat before searing?

Yes, you can refrigerate sous vide meat before searing. Since meat will have an extra flavor when seared, you can benefit from this technique. For instance, you’ll enjoy this method if you’re cooking in advance or preparing large batches. 

How do you refrigerate sous vide meat?

If you wish to refrigerate sous vide meat, simply follow these steps:

  1. First, prepare your meat according to the directions on the package. Before placing it in the bag, season it.
  2. If you intend to store the meat in the refrigerator, close the bag and ensure it’s airtight for longer shelf life.
  3. Prepare the meat sous vide to your desired doneness.
  4. When the meat is done, take it from the bag but do not discard it.
  5. Once the bag has cooled, keep it wrapped and place it in the refrigerator.

If you’re preparing a lot of meat, make sure to pack it in individual serving bags. This way, you don’t leave the cooked meat exposed if you’re not going to serve it right away.

Can you refrigerate sous vide steak?

Yes, you can refrigerate sous vide steak. It’s a great technique if you’re cooking steak in advance and you are preparing large batches. Also, since steak needs a quick sear after sous vide for extra flavor, you can do it once you’re ready to serve.

How long can you keep sous vide steak in the fridge?

You can keep your sous vide steak in the fridge for around 5-10 days. Thus, you can cook your steak sous vide in advance, place it in the fridge, and take it out when you’re already ready to serve.

How do you refrigerate sous vide steak?

If you want to refrigerate sous vide steak, you can do it through the following steps:

  1. Prepare your steak according to your recipe. You can season it before putting it in the bag.
  2. If you plan on refrigerating the steak for later use, seal the bag and make sure it’s airtight for longer shelf life.
  3. Cook the steak sous vide according to your preferred doneness.
  4. Take out the steak once done, but don’t remove it from the bag.
  5. Keep the bag sealed and put it in the fridge once it cooled.

If you’re cooking large batches of steak, make sure to pack it in bags per serving. This way, you don’t leave the cooked steak exposed if you won’t serve it yet.

Can you refrigerate sous vide eggs?

Yes, you can refrigerate sous vide eggs. If you poach your eggs in sous vide, you can keep them in the fridge longer than other food. It’s also easy to reheat since you’ll only put the poached eggs back in the water bath.

How long can you keep sous vide eggs in the fridge?

If you poach your eggs in sous vide, you can keep them in the fridge for as long as five days. After that, you can cook it according to your poached egg recipe and put it in the fridge to prolong its shelf life.

How do you refrigerate sous vide eggs?

If you want to refrigerate your sous vide eggs, you can do so through the following steps:

  1. First, cook the eggs according to your preferred recipe.
  2. Then, place it in the fridge, and you can keep it for as long as five days.
  3. If you reheat it, you can put it back in the water bath with the same settings as when you cooked it.
  4. Serve and enjoy while still warm.


So, can you refrigerate sous vide food? Yes, you can refrigerate sous vide food. Sous vide-cooked food is similar to any other type of cooked meal. What makes it even better is that you’ve put them in an airtight plastic bag. This type of packaging can extend the life of your food, especially if you refrigerate it.

The only thing you should keep in mind when refrigerating sous vide food is to ensure that you secure the food and that it’s properly sealed. This way, you can keep it safe and extend its shelf life if kept in the fridge.



Image credits – Canva

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