The things you do in your life start to change when you become pregnant. Your clothes need to be sized differently! There is a need for you to get more sleep! You must also pay more attention to what you’re eating and drinking! During pregnancy, some foods are off-limits. If you’re wondering if wasabi is one of them, you may ask:
Can you eat wasabi while pregnant? Yes, you can eat wasabi while pregnant. Wasabi can be healthy for pregnant women if eaten in small amounts. However, it can also upset your stomach or cause heartburn during pregnancy. Therefore, while enjoying wasabi occasionally, you should avoid such if it causes problems.
It is generally safe to eat wasabi while pregnant if you enjoy spicy foods. However, there have even been cases where pregnant women reported that spicy foods changed their babies’ movements! Therefore, the consumption of this substance is recommended to be limited by pregnant women to avoid unwanted side effects. Understanding how wasabi affects pregnancy can help you greatly if you love spicy foods.
In this article, we’ll explain what wasabi can do to pregnancy and answer if it’s safe for you to enjoy this relish. This information can come in handy, especially when you’re pregnant and want to enjoy this condiment’s spicy kick.
Without further ado, let’s get into it!
Table of Contents
- Is it safe to eat wasabi while pregnant?
- What does wasabi do to a pregnant woman?
- Does wasabi make you go into labor?
- Can you eat fake wasabi when pregnant?
- Benefits of eating wasabi during pregnancy
- Side effects of eating wasabi during pregnancy
- What can you eat instead of wasabi during pregnancy?
- Frequently asked questions
- Summary
- Resources
Is it safe to eat wasabi while pregnant?
Yes, it is safe to eat wasabi while pregnant. As for eating raw, it is acceptable to do so, and all of our processes comply with the relevant food safety regulations. Therefore, if you are pregnant, it is your decision whether to eat sushi or not.
If you have sensitive health during your pregnancy, take it as a rule of thumb to avoid eating wasabi or at least minimize your consumption. This way, you can stay safe and avoid further complications from happening.
What does wasabi do to a pregnant woman?
Wasabi does not do anything to a pregnant woman. In general, wasabi is a safe relish to consume.
However, if you have sensitive health due to pregnancy, you may suffer side effects such as allergies, morning sickness, diarrhea, or other digestive problems.
We’ll tackle these things later as we go on. However, you can also benefit from eating wasabi as long as you do it right.
According to current guidelines, pregnant women can eat shrimp, salmon, catfish, and other fatty fish three times a week (up to 12 ounces total).
The U.S. even allows pregnant women to eat sushi, as long as it is prepared in a clean environment.
Does wasabi make you go into labor?
No, wasabi does not make you go into labor. This idea comes from a myth stating that spicy food can induce labor in pregnant women.
However, it’s not proven, and no scientific evidence supports it. Thus, it would be best not to eat wasabi since it will not work.
Can you eat fake wasabi when pregnant?
Yes, you can eat fake wasabi when pregnant. However, you should be aware of the digestive effects of traditional mustard and horseradish.
The fake wasabi is made from horseradish and mustard flour (both belonging to the same family as wasabi) and flavored with green food coloring.
Due to its low cost, wasabi is more prevalent in restaurants – it is often merely colored horseradish paste.
If you are pregnant, you can consume fake wasabi, but remember any effects traditional mustard or horseradish may have on your digestive system.
Side effects associated with these condiments may be exacerbated during pregnancy, such as heartburn.
In seafood dishes, real wasabi imparts the taste of fish through its spicy aroma rather than its taste.
As a result of its mustard component, fake wasabi has a strong taste that overpowers other flavors.
Benefits of eating wasabi during pregnancy
Wasabi is known to offer an array of health benefits to its consumers. However, you can only enjoy these benefits if you eat genuine and authentic wasabi, and that’s quite rare and expensive. Below are some of the health benefits for wasabi consumers:
Antibacterial properties
Several conditions may benefit from the antibacterial properties of certain compounds in wasabi, such as isothiocyanate. In the mouth, it may help reduce the growth of bacteria. In addition, it can help prevent foodborne illnesses.
It can also stop the growth of H. Pylori, a bacterium that can cause gastric ulcers and other stomach issues. You may enjoy these antibacterial properties when you eat wasabi if you’re pregnant.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Low-grade chronic inflammation is terrible for our health because it increases our risk for many diseases.
According to early studies, wasabi may have the ability to suppress inflammation and thereby prevent chronic illnesses from developing.
In short, regular consumption of wasabi can improve your health through its anti-inflammatory properties.
Promotes weight loss
In particular, wasabi leaves seem capable of possessing weight loss properties since they have been shown to reduce the number of adipocytes.
It’s unsure whether such positive effects are also seen in the rhizomes of this plant.
While this isn’t a significant health benefit for pregnant women, it can be something to consider for other consumers.
Other health benefits
Wasabi consumption may also help reduce the risk of cancer as well. In addition, wasabi may also help prevent osteoporosis, strengthening the bones.
Sushi lovers may be happy to hear this news as several women are at an increased risk of osteoporosis due to their diet. Furthermore, scientists believe that wasabi also benefits the brain’s health.
Since pregnant women need to strengthen their bones, you can benefit from eating wasabi. It can also help your brain during your entire pregnancy.
Side effects of eating wasabi during pregnancy
Wasabi consumption may have side effects, especially during pregnancy when the baby and the mother are sensitive and prone to problems. Below are some of the problems you may experience upon eating some wasabi during pregnancy:
If you suffer from allergies during your pregnancy, wasabi can be one cause to trigger such. Thus, it would be best to avoid wasabi consumption during your pregnancy.
Women who suffer from allergies are more likely to experience the side effects of wasabi than other women.
Some pregnant women may experience allergic reactions when eating wasabi, causing irrigation or digestive problems.
Morning Sickness
In some cases, morning sickness can be an effect of wasabi consumption. This condiment might be safe for consumption but can trigger morning sickness in pregnant women.
Several symptoms are associated with morning sickness during pregnancy, including nausea, vomiting, and stomachaches.
If you continue to eat wasabi, your morning sickness will get worse, especially during the first trimester, especially if you continue to eat wasabi.
Diarrhea And Other Digestive Problems
Additionally, if you tend to get diarrhea, you might want to avoid wasabi if you are prone to it.
There are some rare instances when wasabi can cause gastric distress, but it does not occur very often.
In short, you should avoid eating wasabi if you have a sensitive stomach during pregnancy.
What can you eat instead of wasabi during pregnancy?
If you want to try an alternative or you can’t find wasabi, you can always eat something instead.
A great choice to substitute for wasabi is a horseradish sauce, and you can also use a variety of mustard sauces.
For instance, you can try an English or Chinese mustard powder. These two should have an appropriate flavor to substitute for wasabi.
Frequently asked questions
Below is a frequently asked question about wasabi consumption for pregnant women. You can look below to see the answer we found for this question.
Can you eat wasabi peas while pregnant?
Yes, you can eat wasabi peas while pregnant. Wasabi peas are safe to eat during pregnancy, so if you are pregnant, you can eat them.
You can find a large variety of foods in the salt store that is safe for the fetus. There is nothing risky for the baby in the salty grocery store but just a limited food selection for the little one.
In a nutshell, wasabi is safe to eat while pregnant. When eaten in small amounts, wasabi can be beneficial for pregnant women. However, it can also cause heartburn or upset your stomach during pregnancy. Therefore, it is okay to enjoy wasabi sometimes, but you should avoid it if it causes problems.
The consumption of wasabi while pregnant is generally safe if you enjoy spicy foods. Spicy foods have even been reported to affect the movements of pregnant women’s babies! Pregnant women are advised to limit their consumption to prevent unwanted side effects. Understanding how wasabi affects pregnancy can be beneficial if you love spicy foods.
Image credits – Canva