Tender waffle cookies

I’ve been thinking about this waffle cookies recipe for a while and, boy, was I happy when I found out it turned out well. They’re tender, they’re delicious, they’re awesome, so don’t hesitate and try this!

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For 12 waffles:

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time:4-5 minutes/ 4 waffles

  • 2 tbsp. (30ml) flax seeds
  • 6 tbsp. (90ml) of water
  • ½ cup (125ml) of organic chocolate chunck
  • 4 tbsp. (60ml) of organic sunflower oil (+ more for the waffle maker)
  • ¼ cup (62.5ml) of maple syrup
  • ½ cup (125ml) of organic amaranth flour
  • ½ cup (125ml) of tapioca starch
  • ¼ tsp. (1.25ml) of baking powder
  • ¼ tsp. (1.25ml) of baking soda
  1. Preheat your waffle maker
  2. In a small bowl, combine the flax seeds and the water and set aside for 10 minutes.
  3. In a small pot, melt the chocolate with the sunflower oil. Let it cool for 5 minutes.
  4. In a medium bowl, mix the amaranth flour, the tapioca starch, the baking powder, the baking soda and the salt.
  5. Incorporate the melted chocolate and the grounded flax seeds mix.
  6. Grease the surface with some oil so it doesn’t stick.
  7. Put about 1 tbsp. of batter per cookie in each sections.
  8. Cook them in the oven for about 4-5 minutes.
  9. Remove them and let them cool a bit on a wire rack, they will get crispy as they get colder.

What do our readers say about this recipe?

“I had made the waffle cookie and it was great and crunchy. i added some blueberries and they were nice and soft. I also used coconut milk instead of water and that made them extra delicious having a slight hint of coconut.”

“I just made this recipe, followed exactly as written. The first waffle came out as a soggy clump (even though the batter hadn’t been overmixed). I put the rest of the batter in my mini waffle maker which has deeper pockets than my larger one, cooked it for 2 minutes, and it turned out beautifully! It was crisp on the outside and creamy on the inside.”

“I made this recipe this morning and they were delicious. I used a very dark chocolate. The batter was a little too liquidy, I should’ve added more flour, but the taste was fantastic.”

“i topped mine with peanut butter and bananas, i also used coconut milk instead of water!”

“i topped my waffle cookies with dulce de leche. it’s heaven.”

“the waffle cookie recipe was great! but i think you should add 1 tsp of vanilla for flavor.”

“I made these waffles with almond milk, and used dark chocolate instead of the white. I don’t know if it was because I didn’t have any white chocolate chips or what, but the batter never blended properly in my bowl—it seemed to curdle (no idea why). After several minutes of trying to get the batter to blend in my bowl, I gave up and dumped all the batter into a quart-sized mason jar. It came out perfectly smooth and delicious! It’s still frozen now, too.

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