Does Coconut Water Need to Be Refrigerated? (Explained!)

Coconut water is the clear fluid found inside a coconut, unlike coconut milk which is this fluid mixed with grated coconut. Of course, every little child knows this, but that doesn’t mean a whole lot of people would know something else about coconut water. 

So let’s now change that by looking at the arguably most important question regarding coconut water everyone should know the answer to:

Does coconut water need to be refrigerated? Yes, coconut water needs to be refrigerated. But it is a bit more complicated than this since some kinds of coconut water are shelf-stable (you can tell those quickly by the fact they’re sold in the unrefrigerated section). However, every coconut water should always be refrigerated once it is opened.

This was just an extremely brief answer, though, and we’re now going to take a more in-depth look at this topic to actually understand it.

So without any further ado, let’s just jump right into it!

Does Coconut Water Need to Be RefrigeratedPin

Does coconut water need to be refrigerated?

The answer to this question is kind of difficult since there are two types of coconut water, one that needs to be refrigerated and one that doesn’t. You can tell them apart by how they were stored in your market – if you bought your coconut water in the refrigerated section, you should obviously always store it in the fridge, even at your home.

But if you got your coconut water from the unrefrigerated section, you can keep it outside of the fridge without any worries; however, even this kind of coconut water needs to be refrigerated after opening.

Does Harmless coconut water need to be refrigerated?

Yes, Harmless coconut water needs to be refrigerated all the time because it doesn’t contain any preservatives or additives. So to ensure it won’t spoil, and also for keeping it fresh and juicy as it should be, make sure you don’t ever let it sit out.

Does Zico coconut water need to be refrigerated?

Believe it or not, Zico coconut water doesn’t need to be refrigerated since it is shelf-stable. But with that in mind, you have to remember that refrigerating it is necessary after it was once opened – after that, you also have to consume it within a few days.

Does fresh coconut water need to be refrigerated?

As the name suggests, fresh coconut water contains no preservatives or additives – because of that, fresh coconut water needs to be refrigerated all the time, not just after the bottle was once opened.

Does Innocent coconut water need to be refrigerated?

According to what the manufacturer says, Innocent coconut water needs to be refrigerated. Additionally, they also say that you have to consume it within two days after opening, so try to remember that as well.

Does Vita Coco coconut water need to be refrigerated?

No, Vita Coco coconut water doesn’t need to be refrigerated because the packaging allows it to be shelf-stable for a year! But if you open it and do not finish it, putting your Vita Coco coconut water into the fridge is highly recommended, and you should consume it within 48 hours.

Does Kirkland Organic coconut water need to be refrigerated?

According to what the manufacturer says, Kirkland Organic coconut water needs to be refrigerated all the time. The reason for that is its lack of preservatives and additives, due to which the coconut water isn’t shelf-stable, meaning it requires refrigeration even before it was yet opened.

How long does coconut water last in the fridge? 

Coming with an exact answer to this question is nearly impossible since it depends on many factors. However, generally, it can be said that coconut water lasts for about six months in the fridge when talking about an unopened bottle of it.

On the other hand, an already opened one will last for only about two to three days, so make sure you consume it within this time.

Does coconut water go bad overnight?

Believe it or not, your coconut water can go bad overnight, which is due to the fact that a huge part of coconut water always has to be refrigerated (those are the ones sold in the refrigerated section). So if you leave that kind of coconut water sitting out overnight, it can surely go bad.

Can unopened coconut water be unrefrigerated?

As we have explained above, this depends on its kind – while they are some kinds of coconut water that can be unrefrigerated when unopened, others should be stored in the fridge all the time.

But don’t worry, telling those two kinds apart is very easy – the kind of coconut water that requires refrigeration is sold in the refrigerated section. In contrast, the shelf-stable kind can be found in the unrefrigerated section.

Does coconut water need to be refrigerated after opening?

Yes, coconut water needs to be refrigerated after opening without any doubts – it doesn’t even matter if we’re talking about a shelf-stable kind of coconut water, once the bottle is opened, all types of coconut water simply need to be stored in the fridge, no exceptions.

How to store coconut water without refrigeration?

The best way to store coconut water without refrigeration is to put it into some dark and chilly environment; however, this will work only with the shelf-stable. The kinds of coconut water that can be found in the refrigerated section require refrigeration all the time, meaning there’s no way to store them without it.

How long can coconut water stay unrefrigerated?

Coming up with a general answer to this question is kind of impossible since there are two kinds of coconut water, one that requires refrigeration all the time and one that doesn’t. So while the former can stay unrefrigerated for only two hours, the latter can be good even after a year without refrigeration.

Is it safe to leave coconut water at room temperature?

To put it simply, no, it isn’t safe to leave coconut water at room temperature. The reason for that is that many kinds of coconut water require refrigeration 24/7. And even though there are some kinds of shelf-stable coconut water (meaning it is safe to leave them at room temperature), even those have to be stored in the fridge once they are opened.

What happens if you leave coconut water unrefrigerated?

Two things can happen if you leave coconut water unrefrigerated – firstly, nothing at all, since there are shelf-stable kinds of coconut water that don’t require refrigeration.

However, if we’re talking about coconut water that should be refrigerated, letting that kind of it sit out will result in its spoiling just after any more than two hours. 

You should also remember that this goes for every already opened bottle of coconut water itself because coconut water should always be refrigerated after opening, regardless of what kind it is.

How do you know if coconut water has gone bad?

Believe it or not, this is a pretty straightforward task – to know if coconut water has gone bad, just thoroughly check its smell and appearance. If you don’t notice any weird changes, it’s time to throw that coconut water out.


When talking about its storage, there are two types of coconut water, one that requires refrigeration and one that does not.  You can tell them apart by how they are stored in your supermarket. 

While the coconut water you bought in the unrefrigerated section can usually stay good for up to a year even on its own, the one being sold in the refrigerated section becomes dangerous to drink even as quickly as after more than two hours at room temperature.

With that being said, it is also important to remember that even the first type of coconut water should always be refrigerated after opening.

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Image credits – Canva

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