Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Color Eggs? (Explained)

Apple cider vinegar has a lot of uses. It can provide an array of health benefits, and it has proven itself useful in so many ways. So now, if you’re into coloring eggs and you have some apple cider vinegar with you, you may ask:

Can you use apple cider vinegar to color eggs? Yes, you can use apple cider vinegar to color eggs. This vinegar is acidic enough to dye eggs. Thus, it works well if you have no other vinegar available. Since apple cider vinegar has a brownish color, it can affect the color you put to your eggs, but you can constantly adjust it.

Egg coloring is always popular, especially during Easter, and with apple cider vinegar, you don’t have to rely on artificial colors for your egg. However, there are some things to consider when doing this activity, and that’s what we’ll explain below.

In this article, we’ll walk you through all you need to know about using apple cider vinegar when dying your eggs. Then, you can adjust and follow some instructions as you infuse color into your eggs and make this activity efficient.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Color EggsPin

Can you use apple cider vinegar to dye easter eggs?

Yes, you can use apple cider vinegar to dye easter eggs. In general, the color dye needs acidic substances to activate. Thus, the vinegar of any kind can work when drying easter eggs.

You should note that vinegar is used when you want darker and more vibrant colors. Thus, white vinegar seems to be the better option since it’s either white or clear. The result of such is that it only deepens the color of the dye and makes it more vibrant.

On the other hand, apple cider vinegar works the same since both are acidic. However, it can give a slight effect to the dye because it has a brown tint.

In short, apple cider vinegar won’t give bright or vibrant colors. So if you want to dye your eggs but only have apple cider vinegar, the trick is to let the apple cider vinegar sit longer. This way, the egg will absorb the color better.

We’ll show you how you can dye eggs with food coloring in apple cider vinegar.

How do you dye eggs with food coloring in apple cider vinegar?

If you want to dye eggs with food coloring in apple cider vinegar, here is a complete procedure and a list of things you need.

First, if you don’t have a coloring kit at home, you can use supplies available around you. Here are some of the things you’ll need:

  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Paper towels and newspapers
  • Food-safe coloring
  • Bowls for the colors
  • Spoon
  • Empty egg tray

Prep your workspace.

Cover your work surface with newspapers. Put together the colors of crayons you want to use if you intend to draw on the eggs. The crayon color shows through because the dye does not adhere to the wax. You can also create a striped effect using rubber bands.

Pour one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into each container. Next, add approximately 1 1/2 cups of hot water (hot tap water will do).

Add the food dye.

Put a drop of food dye in each of the containers. If you don’t want to use dyes designed explicitly for eggs, you can use food coloring instead. 

You can create unusual colors by using different ratios of food colorings. For example, to create teal, you can mix 12 drops of green with eight drops of blue. Try not to mix green and gray colors. Additionally, there are a variety of strong pigmented spices (such as turmeric) and food scraps (such as beets and purple cabbage) suitable for making all-natural dyes.

Dip your eggs in color.

Allow each egg to soak in color in a dye cup for several minutes. Let the eggs soak longer to achieve a richer color. To achieve pastel colors, dye the eggs for a shorter time. Remove the eggs with a spoon after dyeing.

Let the eggs dry.

You can use an empty egg carton to dry the eggs after wiping off the water with a paper towel. Store the eggs in the refrigerator once they have been dried.

What color does apple cider vinegar dye eggs?

Apple cider vinegar doesn’t give any color to the eggs. In general, it’s only used to activate the dye you’ll use and enhance the color you prefer. 

However, since apple cider vinegar has a brownish tint compared to white vinegar, it can affect the dye’s color. 

In short, you may end up with less vibrant colors than you would have when you use white vinegar. Still, you can get away with it by simply letting the eggs sit longer in the food color.


In a nutshell, it is possible to color eggs with apple cider vinegar. Because apple cider vinegar is acidic, you can dye eggs with it. Therefore, it is an ideal substitute for other vinegar. The brownish color of apple cider vinegar will change the color of your eggs, but you can adjust it.

Apple cider vinegar eliminates the need for artificial colors for your eggs, especially during Easter. We hope you understand how to adapt and follow some instructions to infuse color into your eggs and make this activity efficient now that you’ve read this information.

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Image credits – Canva

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