Can You Put a Glass Plate in the Oven? (Explained!)

Glass plates are often used for baking as it’s an excellent tool for heat distribution. Now, since glass tends to shatter if broken, you may wonder if it’s a safe thing to put in the oven where high heat is enclosed. So, you may ask:

Can you put a glass plate in the oven? Yes, you can put a glass plate in the oven, but not all of them. While glass plates are tempered to withstand the oven’s heat, some glass plates cannot and may shatter in high heat. Thus, you need to know if your glass plate is oven-safe before placing it in the oven.

Knowing which glass plate is oven-safe and which isn’t is essential if you are putting them in the oven. The reason is that you put your oven and glass plate at risk if you place the wrong one inside, and that’s what this article is about.

Here, we’ll walk you through some of the frequently asked questions about this topic and answer each one. This way, you can have a sense of how it works and how you can determine which glass plate is safe for your oven.

Let’s get started!

Can You Put a Glass Plate in the OvenPin

Can you use a glass plate in the oven?

Yes, you can use a glass plate in the oven. However, it doesn’t mean you can put any glass plate without worries. 

The thing about glass plates is that they come in a variety of materials and manufacturing processes. Thus, while some glass plates are tempered to withstand the oven’s heat, others are made with low quality, making them fragile against extreme heat.

If you disregard this fact, you can put your glass plate at risk of shattering due to the oven’s heat. Thus, you need to understand which plate is ideal for oven cooking and which isn’t.

In general, you can determine this thing by looking at the bottom of the plate. Most manufacturers add a logo or symbol of being oven-safe below the plates to withstand the oven’s heat.

While all tempered glass is safe for oven cooking, some should never be placed inside of such. Thus, make sure to find the oven-safe symbol, so you stay on the safe side.

Will a glass plate break in the oven?

A glass plate will not break in the oven if it’s oven-safe. However, if the glass plate isn’t tempered for oven-cooking, it may break.

As mentioned earlier, some glass plates are ideal for oven-cooking, while others aren’t. The latter group of plates tends to crack and even shatter under extreme heat, and that’s something you don’t want to happen.

In general, glass plates tend to withstand heat for up to 350 to 470 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, you can cook in the oven with your glass plate as long as you stay below these temperatures. 

Also, you don’t want to prolong your cooking time in the oven if you’re using a glass plate. Even though you have the temperature set below the limit, you can still crack the plate if it gets exposed to heat for extended periods. 

Thus, you should limit the cooking time to an hour or less if you cook on a glass plate.

What is the maximum safe oven temperature for a glass plate?

The maximum safe oven temperature for a glass plate will depend on its quality. Still, such a temperature varies at around 350 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. 

As mentioned earlier, when cooking in an oven with a glass plate, you should stay below the temperature limit so you can ensure that the heat won’t shatter the plate you use.

Also, make sure you don’t cook in the oven with a glass plate for more than an hour. Even at low temperatures, you can risk your glass plate shattering in an extended cooking time.

Glass Plate in the OvenPin

Can you put a glass pie plate in the oven?

Yes, you can put a glass pie plate in the oven, but make sure it’s oven-safe first. Glass pie plates work the same way as any plate. The only difference is the shape.

For this reason, you need to make sure you follow the temperature limit for glass plates below 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Further, you’ll need to make sure that the cooking time won’t exceed an hour.

Another thing to note is that you’ll want to warm up your glass pie plate slowly before adding a hot dish or placing it in a preheated oven. 

If you put a glass pie plate in a pre-heated oven while still cold, the temperature shock can suddenly crack the plate. The same result might happen if you do it vice versa.

In short, take it as a rule of thumb to heat up or cool down your plate gradually before placing them in the oven or in the fridge.

What plate can you use in the oven?

You can use any plate in the oven as long as it’s oven-safe. The most common plate materials that you can use in the oven are the following:

  • Glass plates
  • Ceramic plates
  • Metal plates
  • Cast iron plates

While these plates are often oven-safe, it doesn’t mean all of them are the same. Some of these plates cannot withstand the oven heat, which means you need to be sure of it before placing them in the oven.

You’ll usually see these oven-safe symbols on the bottom of the plates. If you can’t see one, you can refer to the packaging or find a user manual online on your plate manufacturer’s website.

Why would you want to put a glass plate in the oven?

You would want to put a glass plate in the oven since these plates distribute heat evenly. 

Glass plates are known to be excellent tools when it comes to heat distribution. The properties of glass make them ideal for food cooking. It provides even heat distribution, resulting in a thoroughly cooked dish.

For this reason, many baked dishes are often done with glass plates, casseroles, and other containers. 

In general, glass cookware is one of the best dishes for cooking in the oven. However, since you can find several glass plates out there, you’ll need to ensure that it’s oven-safe.

This way, you can avoid damaging and breaking the plate due to the high amount of heat. 


So, can you put a glass plate in the oven? A glass plate can be placed in the oven, but not all of them. Although some glass plates are tempered to withstand the oven’s heat, many are not and may crack at extreme heat. As a result, before putting your glass plate in the oven, you should check to see if it is oven-safe.

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Image credits – Canva

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